// A combine prisoner pod. Used in the Citadel sequence in which the player is taken captive,
// this vehicle is intended to be attached to a path follower (such as a func_tracktrain) via
// a hinge constraint. A vehicle was used so that we could do the enter/exit animations, and
// any view dampening or constraints that were necessary.
// Since the player is a captive they cannot affect the motion of the pod, they can only look around.

	"wheelsperaxle"	"2"
		"countertorquefactor"	"0"
		"massCenterOverride"	"0 0 0"
		"massoverride"		"800"		// kg
		"horsepower"		"350"
		"maxrpm"		"3000"
		"maxspeed"		"35"		// mph
		"autotransmission"	"1"
		"axleratio"		"4.56"
		"gear"			"1.86"		// 1st gear
		"gear"			"1.59"		// 2nd gear
		"gear"			"1.17"		// 3rd gear
		"gear"			"1.0"		// 4th gear
		"gear"			"0.84"		// 5th gear
		"shiftuprpm"		"1500"
		"shiftdownrpm"		"300"
			"force"		"2.5"	// 2.5 car body mass * gravity * inches / second ^ 2
			"duration"	"1.0"	// 1 second of boost
			"delay"		"15"	// 15 seconds before you can use it again
		"degrees"		"26"
		"fastdampen"		"0.35"
		"slowcarspeed"		"0"
		"fastcarspeed"		"40"
		"slowsteeringrate"	"4"		
		"faststeeringrate"	"2"
		"steeringRestFactor"	"1.5"
		"turnbrake"		"0.25"

		"skidallowed"		"1"
		"dustcloud"		"1"

	// front axle
			"radius"	"18"
			"mass"		"100"
			"inertia"	"0.5"		// steady the car (fixes the oscillation of the axles about z)
			"damping"	"0"
			"rotdamping"	"0.0"
			"material"	"rubbertire"
			"skidmaterial"	"slidingrubbertire_front"
			"springConstant"		"80"
			"springDamping"			"4"
			"stabilizerConstant"		"110"
			"springDampingCompression"	"4"
			"maxBodyForce"			"250"

		"torquefactor"	"0.8"
		"brakefactor"	"0.5"

	// rear axle
			"radius"	"20"
			"mass"		"100"
			"inertia"	"0.5"		// steady the car (fixes the oscillation of the axles about z)
			"damping"	"0"
			"rotdamping"	"0.0"
			"material"	"rubbertire"
			"skidmaterial"	"slidingrubbertire_rear"
			"springConstant"		"80"
			"springDamping"			"4"
			"stabilizerConstant"		"110"
			"springDampingCompression"	"4"
			"maxBodyForce"			"250"
		"torquefactor"	"0.2"
		"brakefactor"	"0.5"

	// List gears in order from lowest speed to highest speed
		"max_speed"				"1.0"
		"speed_approach_factor" "1.0"
		"engine_loop"			"PrisonerPod.NoSound"
		"foot_off"				"PrisonerPod.NoSound"
		"foot_off_slow"			"PrisonerPod.NoSound"
	"engine_start"		"PrisonerPod.NoSound"
	"engine_stop"		"PrisonerPod.NoSound"
	"engine_idle"		"PrisonerPod.NoSound"
	"engine2_start"		"PrisonerPod.NoSound"
	"engine2_stop"		"PrisonerPod.NoSound"